Monday, April 7, 2008

Reflection: Roger's Positive Regard

Up until the age of 8, I was used to getting spoilt and got unconditional love from both my parents. However, around the age of 10 when I had to start actually growing up and was able to understand what my parents expected of me. Thus I began to experience conditional positive regard. If I did something good I would get appraisal however if I disappointed my parents, they would give me conditional positive regard. This was also because I had to be a good example to my younger sister. For example, if I didn’t keep my room clean I would get scolded.

Although I received conditional positive regard while growing up, now I only get unconditional positive regard from my parents. This is because they know that I usually try my best and that requires appraisal. On the other hand I still see them giving my sister conditional positive regard as she is only 8 and they want her to achieve more than or equal to what I was able to achieve at her age whether it is grades or in extra-curricular activities.

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