Sunday, April 6, 2008

Reflection: Freud’s Pscyhosexual Stages

Oral stage – I find that I posses an oral receptive personality as presently I love food, and eat more than most of my peers. I also find that I am very gullible but like to receive knowledge. This is probably due to the lack of oral satisfaction I may have received as a child.
Anal stage – I find that I am the person who has had a lack of potty training, as a fact I know that my parents couldn’t afford to buy me diapers and therefore I would go to the toilet all over my house whenever I needed to. Thus as I had a lack of toilet-training may have resulted in my present character as I am very disorganized, stubborn and occasionally have emotional outbursts.
Phallic stage – I don’t believe that I have been fixated at this stage because I am easily able to relate and talk to my mother. Besides I doubt I displayed ‘penis envy’ as I probably didn’t even know what a penis was.
Latency stage – I find that during this age I had no feelings of desire for others.
Genital stage – during this period I naturally felt affection towards others, especially due to peer pressure/encouragement/gossip about boys. I think at this stage talking about the opposite was very popular in the environment I lived in.

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